This is the TeamLU 2024! (will be updated soon)

This was last year's team: click!


Frederick V.W.

I have the privilege of representing Luxembourg at the European Championship for the third time. My abilities have improved as a result, and I was able to get my first Pentester job at PwC. For the industry to keep expanding and getting better, it has to keep supporting us and our future teammates.

Henri A.

I currently study Quantum Technology at Aalto University in Finland. Cybersecurity and computer science in general as well as electronics have interested me for years, and during my free time I work on projects related to computer graphics and occasionally physics. Capture the flag competitions caught my interest around 2018, and since then I have actively dug deeper into how computers do (and sometimes don't) work down at the hardware level.

Daniel M.

No Description yet.

Pol T.

I first gained an interest in cybersecurity 4 years ago during the first LCSC and since then have only honed my skills in the field, leading to a Bachelor in Cybersecurity from the University of Warwick and employment in Threat Intelligence for a year now. The aspect in cybersecurity I personally enjoy the most is hunting threat actors, figuring out their TTPs and ultimately identifying them and having them arrested. Having a tangible impact by protecting people and researching espionage activities by the most capable organizations in the world motivates me to keep improving my skills and turning up to work. I am able to use these talents in the Luxembourgish team, focussing on Reversing and Forensics challenges, through which I have won the "Most promising young talent" award four times. I'm excited to keep supporting the Luxembourgish cyber ecosystem, by participating in the national team or by helping keep the national infrastructure protected from malicious actors

Adam H.

I currently study a bachelor in computer science at EPFL, planning to study cybersecurity for my masters there too. I am very passionate about cybersecurity in general, but more specifically about reverse engineering, low-level security and physical security.

Jaak W.

Early during my studies in Informatics at Vienna University of Technology, I had first contact points with security in computer science. Over the years, I developed a strong passion for the broad field of cybersecurity and am particularly interested in web security, being fascinated by the interaction between users, webservers and malicious actors. I love competing with and against like-minded people in so-called Capture-The-Flag competitions and I am looking forward to building the Luxembourgish cybersecurity community.

Olivier B.

I'm a Master student studying Cyber Security in Zurich. I am mostly interested in cryptography and I find it fascinating how it can be used to keep our sensitive data both private and secure.

Mika B.

Currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science at the University of Luxembourg, I have always been fascinated in the ever-evolving field of cybersecurity. This sector is full of daily unique challenges and fuels my curiosity to dive into the various parts of the ecosystem. I am particularly passionate about threat intelligence, data privacy and digital forensics - areas where we can see the impact of our digital footprints. In my free time I enjoy working on my side projects and staying up-to-date with the latest news and technologies in this field, preparing myself for new challenges.

Frank B.

I am passionate about using software in ways it was not intended and I love to try and break stuff. My particular focus lies in the area of web security and all aspects of offensive security. I am enthusiastic about acquiring new skills and I'm always eager to learn new things. I have a master's degree in Cybersecurity and will start my first job in the field very soon.

Mathis F.

I am currently studying Cybersecurity (M.Sc.) at Hochschule München. My interest in Cybersecurity was sparked in my bachelor studies when I got introduced to the topic at a university course. Since then, I took courses revolving around Network Security, Hardware Security, Cryptography, Digital Forensics and Reverse Engineering. What really fascinates me about cybersecurity is that every challenge feels like a scavenger hunt: Looking for clues about the system, trying to make sense out of them, recognizing flaws and ultimately crafting exploits for the found vulnerabilities. Recently, my interest mainly lies in reverse engineering and exploiting binaries.

Mike L.

  • Coach of the Luxembourgish CTF Team
  • President of the non-profit Cybersecurity community LetzPwn
  • Penetration tester for the CERT gouvernemental
  • Always happy to help :)

Mark L.

I am a teacher for ICT and I am the program coordinator of a higher education training program in Cybersecurity offered at the Lycée Guillaume Kroll. I aim to attracting more young people to cybersecurity trainings and careers. Before entering the education profession, I gained in-depth technical knowledge and experience in IT infrastructure and security. I act as a team coach for the Luxembourg team as well as an ECSC steering committee Member.

Antoine B.

I am currently pursuing a BTS in Cybersecurity at LGK. During my free time, I dedicate a significant amount of effort to expanding my knowledge in offensive security through platforms like Tryhackme and Hackthebox. I earned the Google Cybersecurity Analyst Certification in my free time outside of my coursework, which highlights my motivation and dedication to furthering my skills in this field. I am consistently enthusiastic about exploring new areas and embracing the rapid advancements in this field, which is why I am par ticularly interested in this ever-evolving profession. If you want to see some of my projects, feel free to check my web portfolio:

Mathis F.

I am currently studying Informatics at the Technical University of Munich. My interest in Cybersecurity was sparked quite recently when I got introduced to the topic last semester at a university course. Since then, I started taking more and more courses revolving around Network Security, Hardware Security and Cryptography and I started participating in Capture the Flags. What really fascinates me about cybersecurity is that every challenge feels like a scavenger hunt: Looking for clues about the system, trying to make sense out of them, recognizing flaws and ultimately crafting exploits for the found vulnerabilities.

Rafael F.

I’m a cybersecurity enthusiast, with a background in electronics and a graduate of a BTS program currently pursuing my studies in informatics at the University of Reims. I got interested in cybersecurity when I started learning IT and electronics.

Rui N.

Enthusiastic and motivated student in BTS Cybersecurity at Lycée Guillaume Kroll Esch/Alzette with problem-solving skills and strong team spirit.

Daniel M.

I recently graduated from the European School Luxembourg 1, and I am starting a degree in Mathematics at Imperial College London. What interests me the most in Cybersecurity is understanding different programs (especially encryption algorithms) and finding a way to break them.